Six on Saturday-Thursday Car Show

10 thoughts on “Six on Saturday-Thursday Car Show

  1. I always like the way that owners bring their vehicles to shows like these and then sit quietly in chairs in front of them. It is a peaceful contrast to the roar of the engines.

    1. I know right 🙂 we are all hot rodders getting there but too old to walk and walk to see all 400+ cars and trucks lol I am 68 so I still can but many others sit and some to make sure of no hanky panky near their babies 🙂 Some are worth 100,000.00+ my junk is 50,000.00 says the insurance company.

      1. Yes it’s been unbearable heat for the past 2 weeks even with the air conditioning working full blast. But I guess we would complain even if it was too cold, otherwise we are O.K. thanks Eunice. Have a great week and take care of each other.

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