December’s silent shroud

A beautiful piece of work.

who could know then

a song, video and words to explain my silence in December.


the too familiar turns and bends…
and statue still are the trees standing sentry tall
astride this white and weary Winter road,
my incessant journey of so many dreary and crippling seasons
recalling the somber memories etched decades deep
in gnarled bark and devoted wood.

how the infinite canopy arches in graceful bows,
laden branches kneel in gratitude to the peaceful sleep of snow.
i follow the trailing in frail voices of family i’ve lost,
of those i long to remember
swirling in the sliver of pause between
this world and another.

there is no hesitation in
passing through the Gate of Melancholia,
i wrap my solitude close in December’s silent shroud.
disowning my voice in…

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